The Board of Directors has been working with the City of Pearland for over 2 years to add a STOP SIGN on Fair Oaks & Appian Way to help control traffic safety in our community.
We have also requested that the City of Pearland reduce the speed limit signs from 30 mph down to 20mph due to the increase of traffic since the 288 ramp was added that drops more traffic onto Hughes Ranch Rd that has increased the flow of traffic in our community Autumn Lake.
The first written reponse we have received from the City of Pearland has approved the STOP SIGN at Appian Way at Chestnut Creek Way. However the City did not approve the speed limit changes or the STOP SIGN at Fair Oaks.
We asked why we did not get the STOP SIGN at Fair Oaks and were told that a school crossing or park entrance would have to exist since the road was less than 1000 ft. Our response was that we do have a park intrance.
They did not vote on our speed signs we found out so now we are asking agai for the STOP SIGN at Fair Oaks and the reduction to the speed limits in our community.
The links below contain the response from the City of Pearland.